7 Simple Ways to Prevent Quarrel among Your Children

How to Prevent Quarrel among Your Children

Quarrel among children is very common. And believed to be part of growing up in the family.


However there is a limit to every situation, if one child persist in hurting or bullying another child. You are not expected to fold your arms and watch.


You may have to step in and resolve the issue amicably. Applying wisdom and great caution not to compound the situation. That may lead to more hurt and acrimony among the siblings.

The following steps will help greatly in resolving quarrel among your children:

1. Be careful not to strike immediately after a quarrel.

For instance you discovered a child hurting another. It is advisable to watch and not to strike the child hurting the other immediately. For it is easy for children to misunderstand the actions of adults.


Most children in this regard can take care of themselves fairly well. And the quarrel will fizzle out with time. It is usually wiser to just watch and make sure no one is hurt.


2. Love and value your children equally

Be fear and kind to your children without showing favoritism and comparing them with each other. Each child has his own uniqueness and ability, respects it. Encourage your child to be at his or her best. Encourage them to work in honesty and integrity there will always be a payback day.

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3. Keep Their Mind Busy to Avoid Unnecessary Quarrel

Suggests other beneficial activities that will take the minds of your children who often fight. This will help in avoiding quarrels and misunderstandings. And further foster unity and harmony among them.


You can teach them how to take care of simple pet animals such as rabbits. Care of backyard chickens, watering the flowers in the garden etc.


4. Teaching Your Children the Importance of Peaceful Co-Existence

Teach your children how to work in peace and harmony with others. At a tender age, in order to have mutual respects for each other as the years goes by.

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5. Be Cautious When Scolding Your Children when they argue or quarrel.


Don’t be quick to nag or scold your child. Child training takes time, instead be kind and considerate. They will eventually grow up and as a parents you will be proud of them as you watch them grow. 


6. Teach Them the Ethics of Hard Work

Inculcate in them the virtue of hard work. And not just teaching them to work hard, reward hard work.


A wise parent that really wants the best for his children. Will always take time to teach his children how to be independent even at a tender age.


Teach your children how to handle some house hold chores even when you are privileged to have house helps around.


A child that is independent will live to be a happy child. The world is dynamic, situations change your child will not live with you forever. But your memories will live with him to the end. These are life lessons, he will grow with into adult hood.

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Tell them it’s normal to make mistakes but is abnormal to dwell with those mistakes. move on and be a better person to yourself, your family and your community in general.

Children playing, it could lead to quarrel

7. Avoid Quarrel in the Presence of  Your Children. i.e be Their Role Model

Set standards, the way and manner you interact with your friends. Family members and neighbors especially in times of disagreement and quarrels. And conflict will certainly have a lasting impact on your children.


Children have a wide sense of imagination and an excellent retentive memory. Your actions and reactions will definitely reflect in your children life in years to come.


So in the presence or absence of your children take extreme caution in handling disagreement.


It is often said that children learn more from our actions than the instructions given to them. Our lifestyle should be of high moral standards with strong family values. And rules that will in turn foster unity and love among our children.  




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