How to Prevent and Treats Stings from Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Ants
All stinging insects, such as Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Ants are an integral part of the ecosystem. Their importance cannot be overemphasized.
The bees are important in the pollination of our agricultural plants and crops while the ants help in the breakdown and the decomposition of organic matter.
They also help in the aeration of the soil which is essential for plant growth, nutrients utilization, and agricultural purposes.
The different types of ants which include Fire ants, harvester ants, bulldog ants, and jack jumper ants are all stinging insects. They all have a similar type of venom.
The fire ant sting usually causes immediate pain and a red, swollen area, which may disappear within 45 minutes.
In some cases, a red, swollen, itchy patch develops instead of a blister.
Isolated nerves may become inflamed, and seizures may occur in people who have had a very large number of stings.

A Bee perching on a flower
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Prevention of Stings from Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Ants
A lot of people particularly farmers and those that love the outdoors are exposed to bees, ants, wasp, etc. stings as they carry out their day-to-day activities in the field, regardless of your occupation you are often exposed to these stinging insects.
- Walk calmly when around Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Ants
- If you are going outdoors always wear thick clothing and shoes, ensuring that the clothes cover most parts of your body.
- Stay clear from beehives and insect abodes.
- When going into the bush, outdoors, fields, or the countryside, avoid the use of perfumes with strong sweet smells, do not use soaps, lotions hair products with strong fragrances in order to avoid attracting bees.
- Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Ants do not like interference with their ecosystem.
- Avoid bright-colored or flowers printed clothing.
- Cover your food when eating outdoors.
- Avoid exposing sweetened foods and drinks because they attract ants and other biting insects.
- Be cautious of the environment with bright colorful flowering plants that smell good.
- Before sitting down check thoroughly to avoid ants bites.
- Avoid their paths, most ants bites are a result of interference with their environment.
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Fire ants
After the bee stings someone it may leave its stinger in the skin.
Ensure that the stinger is removed as quickly as possible. by scraping with a thin dull edge or and objects with a pointed edge such as the edge of a credit card or a thin table knife.
Treatment is much the same. Just be sure the stinger of the Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Ants is removed from the wound.
Then apply a weak solution of ordinary household ammonia. If very painful, some local anesthetic, such as procaine, may be injected around the sting.
Ice cubes over the injured area will help reduce the pain and swelling. Alternating hot and cold applications may be helpful in more severe cases.
Some people are highly sensitive to Bees, Wasps, Hornets, and Ants venom and may have to be desensitized by a special treatment in the hospital.
Severe allergic reactions are best treated in the hospital with epinephrine, intravenous fluids, and other drugs.
Other stings are treated similarly to bee stings.