Cancer 11 Danger Signals and Symptoms
Getting to know the early danger signals of cancer will go a long way in saving your life. Cancer is a malady characterized by the abnormal growth of cells. These abnormal cells are termed cancer cells, malignant cells, or tumor cells.
If not treated early could lead to the eventual loss of life. There are various forms of cancer with varying symptoms.
Early detection is crucial for the treatment of cancers in order to save lives. Most of the symptoms outlined here is not a guarantee that you have cancer.
It could be a warning sign that all is not well with your system. Having a thorough and early examination and consequently, prompt cancer treatment will make a lot more difference.
The following are some of the major symptoms associated with cancer.
1. Tumor or swelling
Unexplained tumor or swelling is always a danger signal. Any enlargements, hardness, and changes in the skin should be examined for possible malignancy.
The swelling of the tissues anywhere in the body should always be looked on with suspicion. Even a goiter, which is an enlargement of the thyroid gland in the front of the neck, may become malignant at some time or the other. If there is any doubt, one should see a specialist.
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2. Loss of Weight is a Serious Danger Signal for Cancer
Sudden loss of weight without any apparent reasons may present a serious problem. This should always be thoroughly investigated, particularly in people advance in age.
Sometimes the loss of weight occurs so slowly that it is hardly noticed. There may be some good reasons for this. But whatever the cause it shouldn’t be taken with levity.
A complete record of a person’s weight should always be kept, preferably in your doctor’s office.
3. Change in Skin Color
A developing change in the size, shape, or color of a mole or other spot might be an indication of skin cancer. It could be due to slowly developing anemia, arising from something depressing the normal functions of the bone marrow.
Cancer will sometimes produce these changes. So will other serious types of illness. One should have a complete examination, as well as a blood count.
4. Sores that Refuse to Heal
Any sore that does not heal within two or three weeks could be due to a cancerous growth or cancer of the skin. Such sores may be found on the face, hands, arms, and other parts of the body.
There is no use putting ointment on the sore and hoping it will heal. If it is cancer, it must be treated properly.
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5. Unusual or Suspicious Bleeding and Discharges Is also a Danger Signal for Cancer
Certain discharges from the body are perfectly normal. They are necessary for the health of the whole system. Consult your doctor if you’re bleeding from any part of your body that normally shouldn’t especially when you experience bloody stools.
Blood in your urine it could be danger signals for colon cancer or cancer of the bladder and kidneys. Any unusual discharge or bleeding should be looked upon with strong suspicion. Such conditions should be given the most thorough investigation.
6. Warts and Moles
Moles and blemishes are exceedingly common. Many people also have warts. Dry growths in the skin. They come and go without any obvious cause. Usually, they are perfectly harmless. But any sudden change in the appearance of a wart or mole should be reported to your doctor at once. Such changes are sometimes due to the presence of cancer.
7. Having Problem with Digestion Could Also be A Danger Signal for Cancer
When you consistently have a problem with indigestion. Nervous problems could be responsible for most gas and indigestion.
Such symptoms are common occurrences all through life. But if a person suddenly notices he has indigestion more frequently, it is high time to see his doctor and have himself thoroughly examined. Cancer may be lurking within.
8. Another Danger Signal for Cancer is Finding It Difficult To Swallow
Swallowing comes naturally but difficulty swallowing is not uncommon. When it happens often, especially with vomiting or weight loss then there is a course for concern.
It is time to do something about the condition immediately. The trouble may not be due to cancer. But whatever the cause, it should be investigated and corrected.
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9. Hoarseness or Change In Voice Might be A Danger Signal for Cancer
Cancer of the larynx, or voice box, is uncommon. If you or your family notice a change in your voice that does not go away, you should visit your doctor for further investigation and examination.
If a person suffers from hoarseness for more than a week or two, he should consult a specialist in nose and throat diseases. There may be a tumor on one of the vocal cords.
10. Chronic Cough Might also be a Serious Danger Signal for Cancer
Coughing is one of the symptoms associated with many different diseases. Most People have coughs that come and go which is normal. But when you smoke or have a persistent cough that lasts more than normal.
Then you need to visit your doctor for a thorough examination. A chronic cough might be due to cancer of the lungs. An x-ray of the chest is always advisable.
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11. Changes In Bowel Habits could be another Serious Signal of Cancer
Any sudden change in normal bowel habits should be carefully investigated. An x-ray of the lower bowel should be done, and a complete proctoscopy study carried out.
One should never rest until these organs have been thoroughly examined. Such changes may be due to cancer. Persistent constipation, diarrhea, occasional pain passing stool, and a change in the size of your stools are all reasons for concern.
Fortunately, this type of malignancy usually responds well to proper treatment, which generally may include surgery.