How to Prevent Serious Wound Infection in Your Farm and Work Place
Due to the nature of our various occupations, we are often exposed to wound infections that might lead to further complications if not properly taken care of.
Be it a farmer, a construction engineer, a bricklayer, carpenter, mechanic, or even medical personal we are often exposed to injuries and incision on our bodies.

Making a first-aid-kit handy is the first step towards preventing wound infection
What are the risk factors for wound infection?
You may likely get injured through the following means which if not properly handle may lead to wound infection.
- Farmers who keep livestock at home particularly untamed large animals such as cows, camels are exposed to severe injuries and wound infection from such animals that might lead to serious wound infection if not properly handle.
- When constructing your animal house, the chicken pen you can be exposed to injuries and wound infection emanating from flying nails, hammer, saw and falling wood, etc.
- Bites from animals such as stray dogs, cats, and other dangerous reptiles such as snake could result in serious wound infection and medical crises if not properly handle.
- Other accidents can occur from the handling and operations of farm implements and machinery that could result in severe injury and subsequently wound infection if not properly handle.
- You can easily have a wound infection if you did not clean or treat an injury soon after occurring.
- Persons with diabetes, a weak immune system should be more careful when working and handling certain implements, equipment, and machinery to avoid serious injuries.
- Once injured stay clear from any dirty object or environment keep your wound away from animal feces, urine, or any contaminants that are capable of harboring bacteria.
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dressing your wound and bandage it firmly is highly beneficial in preventing wound infection
Preventing wound infection
Whenever you have an injury or the skin is broken there is always the possibility of wound infection. Be careful not to touch the wound with the tips of the fingers, or with anything else that may be carrying germs.
If bleeding has stopped and the wound looks fairly clean, cover the area with a sterile dressing and bandage it firmly in place.
Usually, it is best to leave the wound alone until the doctor has had time to examine it thoroughly.
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In a situation whereby you may not have access to a medical doctor immediately the following tips will help you prevent wound infection:
- A little bleeding is often beneficial in the healing process helps in washing away dirt and germs.
- Carefully wash the whole area with soap and warm water then apply the antiseptic solution if you so wish.
- Remove all surface dirt, running the soapy water into the deeper parts of the wound.
- Then apply the dressing over the wound and bandage it firmly in place.
- Do not lift the dressing off every few minutes to see what is happening. You may not be giving the blood time enough to clot.
- Most importantly, keep yourself calm. This will enable you to make rational decisions. to do what must be done without becoming overly excited?
- Always wash your hands before and after you care for your wound in order to avoid any further wound infection.
- Keep your wound covered with a dressing at all times. The dressing protects the wound from dirt, germs, and bacteria and keeps medications on the wound.
- Open wounds or injuries have a potential for serious bacterial wound infections, including gas
- gangrene and tetanus, and these, in turn, may lead to long-term complications even death if not properly handle.
- Finally, place a dressing and bandage it firmly in place. In any serious injury, the best and safest decision and option to take is to seek qualified medical help without delay.