chicken feeds

How to Resolve the Chicken Feed Problem to Make It Cheaper

How to Resolve the Chicken Feed Problem to Make It Cheaper

If you’re raising chickens, you know how quickly the cost of feed can add up. While chickens are fantastic providers of eggs and meat, feeding them can become a significant expense, and a serious work.

The good news is there are several strategies you can implement to make chicken feed cheaper without compromising the health, and productivity of your flock. In this article, we’ll look in into practical ways on how to cut down feed costs while keeping your chickens happy and healthy.


Understanding the Chicken Feed Problem and how to make it cheaper

The cost of chicken feed has been on the rise due to several factors including the price of grains, supply chain disruptions, and increasing demand for poultry products.

If you’re feeling the pinch, you’re not alone. Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate the chicken feed problem more efficiently.


chicken feed


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Assess Your Current Feeding Strategy

Track the amount of feed your chickens consume

Start by tracking how much feed your chickens are consuming. This will give you a baseline to work from and help identify any areas where you might be overfeeding.

Overfeeding not only wastes feed but can also lead to health issues in your flock.


Check the quality of your chicken feed

Not all chicken feed is created equal. Higher-quality feed often provides better nutrition, meaning your chickens may need less of it.

Compare the ingredients and nutritional content of your current feed with other options available.

Sometimes, switching to a higher quality feed can actually save you money in the long run by reducing the amount you need to give your chickens.


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Homemade and Alternative Feed Options

Mix Your Own Feed

One of the most effective ways to reduce feed costs is to mix your own. By purchasing ingredients in bulk, you can create a balanced diet for your chickens at a fraction of the cost of commercial feed.


Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

Homemade Chicken Feed Recipe:

  • 30% Corn
  • 28% Wheat
  • 19% Soybean Meal
  • 12% Oats
  • 11% Fish Meal or Protein Supplement

Mix these ingredients well and adjust according to your chickens’ needs. You can also add kitchen scraps and garden waste to supplement their diet.


You Can Grow Your Own Feed ingredients


Consider growing some of your own chicken feed. Crops like corn, soybeans, and wheat can be grown in a small garden or plot of land.

This not only cuts down on costs but ensures you know exactly what your chickens are eating.


chicken feed


Utilize Free and Cheap Feed Sources

Look for free or cheap feed sources in your community. Many local bakeries, grocery stores, and restaurants throw out food that is still perfectly good for chickens. Bread, vegetable scraps, and even leftover grains can be great supplements, especially when you free-range your birds.

You can also visit local village markets around you to buy cheaper grains during harvest to stock-pile and use later.

Just make sure to avoid feeding your chickens anything mouldy or spoiled.


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Optimize and Utilize Feeding Practices

Implement Fermented Feed

Fermenting chicken feed is an excellent way to enhance its nutritional value and reduce the amount needed.

The fermentation process makes the feed more digestible and helps chickens absorb more nutrients.

To ferment feed, simply soak it in water for 24-48 hours before giving it to your chickens.

This can also help reduce the overall cost as the chickens will eat less but gain more nutrition from the same amount of feed.


wheat grains in chicken feed


Free-range and Pasture-Raised Benefits both the Chicken and the Farmer

Allowing your chickens to free-range or have access to pasture can significantly reduce your feed costs.

Chickens naturally forage for insects, plants, and seeds, which can supplement their diet.

Free-ranging also provides them with a more varied and balanced diet and can improve their overall health and egg quality.


You Should Come Up With Feed Waste Reduction Techniques

Reducing feed waste is crucial. Invest in quality feeders that minimize spillage and prevent chickens from scratching feed onto the ground.

Treadle feeders, for example, can be a great investment as they only release feed when a chicken steps on the pedal, preventing pests from accessing it


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Try and Buy Your Feed in Bulk and Cooperative Purchasing

Buy Your Feed in Bulk

Purchasing feed ingredients or complete feed in bulk can save a significant amount of money.

Many suppliers offer discounts for larger quantities. Just make sure you have a proper storage solution to keep the feed fresh and prevent it from spoiling.


Join a Feed Co-op

Look for local farmer co-ops or community groups where you can buy feed in bulk together. Pooling resources with other chicken keepers can lead to better prices and access to higher quality feed. Plus, it’s a great way to connect with other poultry enthusiasts and share tips and resources.

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Utilize Seasonal and Local Resources

Seasonal Feeding Adjustments

Adjusting your feed strategy according to the seasons can also help save money. In the summer, chickens can find more food while foraging, so you might reduce their feed slightly.

In the winter (harmattan), supplementing with high-energy grains can help them maintain body heat and reduce overall feed consumption.


Local Sourcing and Bartering

Source feed ingredients locally to save on transportation costs and support local farmers. Sometimes, bartering with local growers can also be an effective way to acquire feed.

For instance, you might trade eggs or other produce for grain or other feed ingredients.


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chickens home made feeds

Chickens feeds


From Time To Time Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Regular Health Checks

Keep a close eye on your flock’s health. Healthy chickens are more efficient at converting feed into eggs and meat.

Regular health checks and prompt treatment of any issues can prevent costly problems down the road.


Adjusting Feed as Needed

Regularly reassess your feeding strategy and adjust as necessary. As your chickens grow and their needs change, you might need to tweak the feed mix or quantities.

Being flexible and responsive to your flock’s needs will help you maintain optimal feed efficiency.


Stay Informed

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and research in poultry nutrition. New feed ingredients, techniques, and technologies are constantly being developed that can help reduce costs and improve your chickens’ health.



Feeding chickens doesn’t have to drain your bank account. By assessing your current strategy, exploring homemade and alternative feed options, optimizing feeding practices, and leveraging bulk buying and local resources, you can significantly reduce your feed costs.

Remember, the key is to find a balance that works for you and your flock, ensuring they stay healthy and productive without costing a fortune.

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