Category: Agriculture
It is a known facts that poultry feeds accounts for more than 60% of the total cost of raising broilers at a given time. Making this feeds available to …
The following tips will help you maintain a high hygiene level on your poultry farm, it will suggest to you on how to clean and disinfect your poultry house, …
Before Starting Poultry Farming Know That You Are Dealing With Living Things One important fact you should know before starting poultry farming from day one is the realization that …
The following stages in maize production are very crucial in attaining a high yield maize production but if left unsupervised will dampen the expectation of the maize farmers drastically:
Yam, Tubers Production and Uses Yam refers to a member of the family of Di oscorea ceae which is a staple food, ceremonial crop, and cash/export crop for Nigerians. …
This knowledge base article will highlight a number of reasons why some folks fail in maize farming which is attributed to human error and negligence:
Educating the farmers on the importance of the value added product and the many products that can be derived from the maize crop. Value added products are define by …
This knowledge base article is going to elaborate on some of these very important struggles farmers, particularly poultry farmers go through and how to identify and overcome these struggles …
Six (6) Unique Advantages of Rearing Rabbit over Poultry farming The advantages of rabbit rearing over poultry is enormous, especially when you are running on a low budget. It …
One of the serious crises bedeviling cow fattening or cattle and livestock kept in confinement is how to prevent and implement a good cattle fly control mechanism, flies are …