The Problem with a Paranoid Person, And How to Help Him Overcome His Condition
How to Help a Paranoid Person Overcome His Condition
The real problem with the paranoid person is that he appears to be normal, sane, and sensible outwardly, but inwardly, his thinking is disordered. To the extent that he believes that the whole world is against him.
A paranoid person is an unrelenting mistrust and suspicious of others, even when he has no reason to do so.
He doesn’t just trust anybody, even the closest person to him. He carries grudges and will stop at nothing in his determination to “get even” with his alleged enemies.
He believes everyone around him including his friends, and so-called enemies are planning to harm him.
Either by poisoning his food, drink or cast some sort of charm or spell on him. In this distorted mind and condition. He will do anything within his power to destroy or harm these imaginary enemies.
In most cases, he might not necessarily result in crime, but he will carry out a program of sustained malice and hate which is almost the same thing.
Surprisingly paranoid people are found in high places (i.e leadership positions) such as in government, Holding positions where decisions, planning’s are made, of course, they are often very clever people.
There are some famous people who experts assumed to have symptoms of paranoid personality disorder (PPD). For instance Richard Nixon, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, the names go on and on.
And some of the most deadly wars are believed to have been started by these deluded or distorted individuals.
Other Complications Arising from PPD
- Having difficulty in maintaining a constant relationship with others, be it at the work, place or home amongst your relatives.
- In some cases withdrawing from social contacts with others.
- Engaging in excessive tracking, witch-hunting.
- Engaging in confrontation with their alleged enemies, either directly or over the phone.
- He is always reluctant to confide in others for advice and his deepest secret, because of the notion that it can be used against them in the nearest future.
- Refusing to forgive, holding on to grudges even though it is a minor or unintentional insult melted on him.
- Always believing others are out there to harm him, unfortunately even those that are close to him like colleagues at the office, friends and family members.
- He constantly believes that others are talking behind his back even when they are not. For instance, a paranoid individual might be walking past a group of people.
- They might just be cracking jokes or laughing at something different, and immediately he or she begins to feel he is being laughed at or he will pick offense.
- his hearts are constantly filled with unjustifiable and questionable facts about the loyalty of his subjects especially at work or trustworthiness of friends and close associates
Possible Causes of Paranoid Disorder
Scientists today are still grappling to know the true cause of the paranoid disorder.
However, there are some theories or rather explanations that will help us understand the real cause of some of these mental illnesses, particularly paranoid disorder.
To help understand the true cause of paranoid disorder we must, first of all, understand the following factors.
Factors that could be largely responsible or play a significant role in the cause of most of these mental illnesses.
Especially if something went wrong with them (sufferers) at the initial stage of life. Three very important factors are responsible for the growth and stability of the human mind.
Namely heredity, the environment in which he lives and grow and most importantly his response to life itself and the events that surrounds it.
These deals with the great mass of inherited traits, behavior, character, personality, quality either good or bad with which we were born with i.e inherited from our parents, we can do nothing to change it.
The good news is that we can always modify this inherited tendencies with a concerted and holistic approach to issues of life if we so desire.
Your environment
Your environment in these contests simply means the world in which you grew up in. This one too, there is virtually nothing you can do about it.
Your immediate family you grew up with. The customs you learned and understand your likes and dislikes your prejudices.
All your pleasant and unpleasant memories, all the deception and falsehood that filled your childhood early years.
All the good and bad experiences you had in the hands of your close family members, relatives.
Both close and extended, and those people that are meant to shape and mold your life such as your teachers, religious places or organizations while you are growing up as a child.
In all these, you have very little or no control over them. They are all part of your growing up.
Your personal response
Your personal response to the cares and worries of this life is going to be largely responsible for how well you are going to be i.e.
Whether you are going to continue to enjoy good mental health or you are going to continue to be sick mentally.
Your response to life’s events is even far greater than the factors of heredity and environment put together.
In the cause of mental health issues particularly in the case of paranoid disorder, your response means far more than all the influences and obstacles that may surround you.
If you can do away with most childish behavior and face life headlong, and stop blaming others for your failure, you can, of course, come out strong from the chaos and challenges of this life.
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Help For a Person Suffering from Paranoid Disorder
Once it is ascertained that a person is suffering from paranoid disorder.
It is strongly advised that he seeks treatment or is taken to a professional for a thorough medical examination. never attempts to seek treatment for him from quacks or amateurs.
He should be admonished to learn to trust others at least once in a while and taking himself less seriously.
And having abiding faith in the future. Believing that things will always turn out to be better and backing it with hard work and sincerity.
These virtues can always go a long way to reduce some of those mistrust and extreme stress that may result in some of these mental health issues.
Due to the delusional state of the mind of the patient, it is advisable to always take great care when counseling and helping these patients.
Already they don’t trust anybody or anything someone is telling them. They are already immersed in their delusional beliefs and state of mind.
Helping through Psychotherapy treatment
Especially when you interact with the patients’ one on one, frequently, psychotherapy treatments are effective specifically when dealing with a case of paranoid disorder.
It can help in restoring his distorted behavior, improve his well–being and mental health, especially when he or she is treated with dignity and shown lots of respect to gain his trust.
Psychotherapy treatment should be given to the patients by a mental health professional that is well trained in his field.
Such as a psychiatrist, psychologists, mental health nurses, counselors, clinical social workers, not just any individual.
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Used of medications in severe cases
In some severe cases where psychotherapy treatment is not just enough medications can be used to help the patient.
Prescription drugs that can help include some antidepressants drugs, antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety medications.
And also if he or she suffers from associate psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety, proper prescription drugs can be used, prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner.
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Surprisingly we all sometimes exhibit paranoid tendencies. In general terms, you have to learn to develop a positive outlook towards life itself.
You don’t have to get hurt when things don’t go your own way, learn to work in harmony with others.
Things must not always go in your favor, respect other people’s opinions or advice.
Always learn to laugh and take yourself less seriously. Don’t go about with hate and suspicion in your heart at all times.
confide in a mentor that is well experienced and is willing to help you.
Above all trust in your abilities to resolve issues and most importantly have faith in God that all shall be well.