sweeten yogurt can lead to excessive sugar in our system

5 Ways You Are Taking In Excessive Sugar Without Knowing It.

5 Ways You Are Taking In Excessive Sugar Without Knowing It.

As far as this world is concerned next to life itself is your health, which is the most important thing, if you are healthy life will be more enjoyable.

Most of us take our health for granted until we lose it, and then we put in all our effort to restore it back, which is most often unfruitful.

Being healthy is a precious gift that you must guide jealously, you must not allow your health to degenerate before you think of safeguarding.

I have a friend that is always taking his last bottle of soda drink until he was diagnosed with diabetes before he finally stop taking it.

This powerful but simple health article will educate you on the importance of staying clear from food items, snacks and drinks that are often laden with plenty of sugar, which may be detrimental to your overall well-being.

It’s ok, that you identify soda drinks, desserts and candy as having added sugar, but what about less obvious sources that may have high sugar content?

Some drinks, beverages, and foods fruits that you may consider to be “healthy” may actually have a lot of added sugar in them.

Other examples of added sugar include fruit juices that come in different brand names, with claims that they are naturally grown and prepared.

Various drinks made with flavours from your popular fruits i.e. pineapple, apple, orange, berries and guava etc.

Drinks are made from concentrates of juices, and so much fake honey around these days even molasses.

Many foods and drinks with high sugar content that appear to be healthy are as follows


white sugar is a source of excessive sugar

white sugar


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  1. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is a very popular and cherished healthy drink amongst children and adults alike. Due to its numerous health benefit, it is a drink of choice in the hearts of many parents for their wards.

Yoghurt is made from the bacterial fermentation of milk, with probiotics such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus used to make the yoghurt.

The culture ferments the lactose, the natural sugar found in milk. This produces lactic acid, which gives yoghurt its distinctive flavour.

It provides protein and calcium, and it may enhance healthy probiotic gut bacteria.

These make yoghurt a good drink of choice for many parents for their growing children, and even adults alike for good bowel movement and strong bones.

No doubt yoghurt is a healthy product, the problems come with the producers, the amount of sugars, flavors and artificial sweeteners used to enhance its acceptability.

In view of this, consumers are advised to look for a product with less than 15 grams of sugar per serving. The lower the sugar, the better.

In your quest to eat and drink healthy you should be mindful of the label and brands of yoghurt you drink.

Yoghurt is presented in various colours, using different flavours, sweeteners, and quantities of sugars.

Before you take any yoghurt you should be on the lookout for the amount of sugars, artificial flavours and sweeteners added.

Better still, learning to produce the yoghurt yourself will go a long way in guaranteeing quality and a healthy drink.


sweeten yogurt can lead to excessive sugar in our system


  1. Fruit Juice

Our supermarkets, and grocery stores have been bombarded with different colours and well-packaged fruit juices.

They come with powerful claims of being a healthy drink, grown naturally and the juices are extracted from pure fruits such as oranges, mangoes, guava, pineapple, papaya etc.

The truth is, most of these claims aren’t true, most of these fruit juices are laden with so many preservatives to increase their shelf life, and expiry dates, added with juice concentrate, sweeteners, high sugar and other ingredients that may be detrimental to your health.

The honest advice is to invest in a good juice extractor or blending machine to produce your own juice at home.

This is the only way you can have peace of mind and assurance that you are taking natural sugars which of course is harmless and healthy.


The honest advice is to invest in a good juice extractor or blending machine just like this to produce your own real original and natural juice at home, they are healthier, nutritious, tasty and appealing to the eyes.


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  1. Eating Too Much Bread Virtually Every Day

Bread is a staple food for breakfast in many families around the world. Many of us like to eat bread on a daily bases.

Due to its availability in supermarkets, grocery stores, kiosks and around your neighbourhoods.

It is a known fact that white processed bread comes with a lot of added sugar, with little or no nutritional benefits.

Eating too much bread may spike your blood sugar, lead to an increase in weight gain, constipation etc.

If you can cut down on the amount of bread you eat or use more nutritionally friendly ingredients such as wheat to make your bread at home.


white bread is a source of excessive sugar when we take it everyday

white bread


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  1. Energy and Sports Drinks are Laden with High Sugar

Energy drinks to me is one of the best marketing fraud presented to the general public with the claim that these products give an energy boost to improve physical and cognitive performance without letting the general public know the underlying side effects just.

The consumption of energy drinks has been on the increase among young peole especially in the last few decades.

The truth is so many people avoid taking other soft drinks i.e. soda or carbonated drinks, because of the belief that such drinks are packed with high sugar content.

Instead, they are presented with a good option of energy drinks claiming their physical health, and energy benefits without elaborating more on their constituents.

However, studies supporting these claims are limited. In fact, several adverse health effects have been related to energy drinks.

Health issues associated with excessive intake of energy drinks include:

a. Caffeine which is one of the main ingredients in an energy drink has the following side effects with no restriction:

  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Gastrointestinal upset
  • Muscle twitching
  • Restlessness
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased dehydration.


b. Energy drinks usually contain large amounts of sugar ranging from 21 g to 34 g per oz. The sugar content is mainly in the form of sucrose, glucose or high fructose corn syrup. High-energy drink intake may increase the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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Home made orange juice like this are more healthier to drink.

Home-made orange juice like this is healthier to drink.


  1. Natural Fruits With High Sugar Contents

The fact that fruits have carbohydrates too, means they can raise your blood sugar. Fruits with high sugar content include:

  • Pomegranate
  • Mango
  • Cherries
  • Banana
  • Oranges
  • Watermelon

Knowing the glycemic index (GI) of some of these fruits is the key to safeguarding your health.

The GI is a ranking system that is used to indicate how quickly a carbohydrate food i.e. fruits raises blood glucose.

If a food has a GI score of between 70 and 100, it is high in sugar. Examples of some fruits with a score in this range are watermelons and overripe bananas.

These fruits are still safe for a person with diabetes to eat. However, moderation is the key factor here. Going for foods and fruits that have lower GI scores may be more suitable for a person with diabetes.






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