The Magic Pills That Will Keep You Healthy, Productive and In Good Shape
For you to be healthy, productive and in good shape comes with a price tag, that price tag is called commitment.
To remain healthy, productive and in good shape, you have to make some concerted and deliberate effort towards achieving your goal.
Having a good education, securing a wonderful job, a thriving business, a good house, a beautiful wife or a good husband with great kids are all the good things life has to offer if you work hard at it.
But if you are ever going to enjoy a good life, then you should not handle with levity your health.
Your health is a very important aspect of your life; most especially the food you eat. For you to continue to remain healthy, productive and in good shape.
Also Read: Food that will keep you away from your doctor.
When you take the wrong decision most times, you find yourself moving from one hospital to other visiting different doctors all the time.
As a result of one sickness or the other, at times you cannot even figure out what is exactly wrong with your body. Because you are not sick enough to be admitted to the hospital or well enough to attend to your day to day activities.
You are dragging yourself around at times wishing you are dead.
In most cases, there could be some underlying factors that could be triggered by the presence of bacteria, parasites, fungi or some sort of hidden illnesses. That is why it is appropriate to sick proper medical examination and attention to determine the underlining cause of your illness.
READ: Germs, How To Protect Yourself And Your Family From These Dangerous Enemies.
Be Mindful of what you eat if you want to remain healthy, productive and in good shape
But in many others, the root cause of your problem could emanate from faulty diets, making bad choices. And spending your money and resources foolishly on things you eat that will add no value to your well-being.
Things such as alcohol, cigarette, snacks, fast foods, carbonated drinks, and canned foods the list goes on and on.
You may be interested in READING: Why Carbonated Drinks Is Not Good For You
If you will only apply the principles of good living to your life, make a careful study of what your body needs to fight diseases and stay healthy, productive and in good shape for a very long time.
This, of course, will help you stay away from your doctor for a very long time to come.
To remain healthy, productive and in good shape entails preventing diseases and fighting them before they whey you down. This is far more important and beneficial than treating and curing them.
If you will only understand this simple law of health that says all forms of life, whether be it plant or animal needs certain essential food elements to live and reproduce their kind.
These food materials I refer to as magic pills are all you need to be healthy, productive and in good shape.
These foods are all around you, all you need to do is to make a deliberate effort to ensure that they are present in your diets. Not just presents in your diets but are present in the right amount and proportion, and must be consumed at regular intervals.
Choosing the right type of food for a healthy life
Your body is composed of untold millions of living cells, all are very much alive, and are all carrying out their specific functions. Each of those cells in your body must be fed and cared for, otherwise, they will not work or function properly.
To make sure they work properly you must choose your food and diets sensibly. This is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.
The choice is yours. You can’t blame anyone else if you fail to make good judgment in choosing your food and diets that will enable you to live a healthy and productive lifestyle.
Your health to a large extent depends on the choice of food you consumed regularly. Your body has been beautifully designed to operate smoothly without any trouble for many years.
Provided you treat it well. Not only is your body designed to stay healthy for a very long time, it has the power to combat illness, fight diseases, and replace worn-out tissues with new living cells naturally.
But if you fail to provide your body with the right kind of food, it will be difficult to remain healthy, productive and in good shape.
Your body will soon lose its ability to fight illnesses or diseases naturally (immunity) and eventually grow old and die when this happens unfortunately even the best of modern pills cannot save you.
The Building Materials You Need To Be Healthy, Productive and In Good Shape
When a man plans to build a house, he goes ahead to secure the best materials that can suit his plans and provide him with a safe, secured and long-lasting house, that will serve for a very long time.
The same is true with your body systems. We all are builders, daily selecting materials for the building process going on within ourselves.
The type of food you eat in terms of quantity and quality (nutritional composition) are the building materials our body needs to remain healthy, productive and in good shape.
This construction work begins at birth and continues for the rest of your life. To be healthy, productive and be in good shape you need to have a strong house or body.
Having the right building materials for healthy productive life
You must have the right building materials in the form of essential food, minerals, and vitamins. Nothing substandard or inferior must be consumed by you.
If you really want to enjoy good health. This is even more important if you are recovering from illness.
The magic pills or building materials needed in your body to stay healthy, productive and in good shape. They are the different classes of food known as protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and water.
These are the building materials you must have in sufficient quantity at the right proportion and time.
Where do you get them? Of course in your food, they are all around you. You can get them from the farmers market fresh and direct, you can buy them from the markets. Most importantly and of course the best option, you can grow them yourself.
Most rich and natural foods are always affordable, cheap and within reach especially when you live within or close to an agrarian community. You should always take advantage of seasonal food and fruits, they are always fresh, affordable and of high quality.
Only from your foods can you derive the materials for building bones, muscles, nerves, and skin, and replenishing of worn-out tissues. Which are equally essential for a healthy, productive lifestyle and the smooth working of every organ in your body.
Hence the need to fully understand and learn how to choose the right diet and classes of food cannot be overemphasized.
Protein the Building Block
If you really want to stay healthy, productive and in good shape. Having a diet rich in protein cannot be overemphasized because it is very crucial in maintaining good health and replacing worn-out tissues.
It is essentially needed in building muscles and growth especially in children as well as adults. Your body also uses the class of food (protein) to make enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals needed in the body.
Sources of protein include the following: beans, soya beans, eggs. Fish etc. A startling 16 percent of the average person’s body weight is from protein. Protein is used primarily for growth, health, and body maintenance.
ALSO READ: Soybean simple natural with high nutritional benefits
Carbohydrates the energy food your body needs to be healthy, productive and in good shape
The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide the energy needs of your body and are found in foods such as rice, maize, and yam.
Carbohydrates with high fiber contents such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are said to be the best form of carbohydrates and essentially very good for the body compared to refined carbohydrates.
Minerals and vitamins, your body needs them at regular interval for a healthy and productive living
Mineral and vitamins are also needed in sufficient quantities to regulate all the activities of this highly complex machine, called the human body.
Vitamins and minerals come almost entirely from plants and plant foods. For this reason, vegetable foods must form an important part of your diets regularly.
To Be Healthy, Productive and In Good, Shape Water Is an Indispensable Companion
Your body can survive without food for sometimes than without water, that is to show you how very important water is. Far too many people take to little water for their personal needs sometimes the water they take is contaminated, or unfit for use.
To be healthy, productive and in good shape, you have to be mindful of the quality and purity of the water you take into your body system.
A lack of water may slow circulation and thicken the bloodstream, thus increasing the work of the heart. It may even result in the formation of kidney and bladder stones, and other serious complications.
For you to continue to enjoy good health, you must take plenty of pure water: at least 7-9 glasses of water every day. If you are unsure the water you consume is unsafe boil it.
Other sources of water apart from the liquid water itself are fruits such as watermelon, cucumber, carrots, spinach, etc the list can go on and on. It is always a good idea including them in your daily diets.
You might like to Read: Water and its importance sources health hazard associated with it.
To be sure of a well-balanced diet, you must select your food from a fairly wide variety and class of food.
A good and balanced diet is not so much a question of how much money you have or you don’t have is about making the right choices and sticking to your decision.
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Staying healthy, productive and in good shape is a personal decision you have to make for the overall benefit of your health, happiness, and longevity.
The best things in life are cheap and affordable. Most of the food we grow is dense with high-quality nutrients, minerals and vitamins compared to their canned counterparts that are laden with preservatives to elongate their shelf life.
The honest truth is that you cannot live a healthy and productive life without thoughtfully considering the type of food you take into your body system.