Why Cholera Is Still a Problem in Most Sub Saharan African Countries
Bad governance and lack of political will to address the shortage of basic amenities such as the provision of good potable water, waste disposal system that will enhance good sanitation and hygiene is the main reason why cholera is still a serious problem in our society today.
A lot of our urban population is still living in shanties and makeshift houses with poor latrines. Which is one of the chief causes of cholera.
This poor standard of accommodation breeds flies that transmit the bacteria that cause cholera to humans.
Another important factor is poor education among the populace. Most of the inhabitants of this poor neighborhood lack the basic hygiene education that will help them prevent this serious disease.

A man fetching water for use, poor water source a major source of cholera
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About The Cholera Disease
Cholera is a very serious infection involving the lower part of the small bowel. Vibrio cholera, the bacterium that causes cholera, is usually found in food, water, feces, and flies
It is caused by a short, curved, rod-shaped germ which produces a powerful poison or endotoxin.

the only means of getting water for many even in the so called urban areas is from near by streams and rivers

A little girl fetching water
Symptoms of This Disease
One of the first symptoms noticed by the patients with cholera are:
- Thirst
- Mild diarrhea.
- Purging and lack of proper control of the bowel.
- the feeling of oppression and pain in the lower abdomen,
- Muscle spasm like heat cramp.
- Loose stools are watery, and grayish-brown in color.
- Nausea and vomiting usually come on after diarrhea has developed.
- Wrinkled skin with a sunken eyeball and hollow cheeks
- Labored breathing
- Low blood pressure
Unless emergency action is taking by replacing the fluid as quickly as possible death may result from the complete collapse of the circulation.

Children trying to fetch water

unwashed fruits and vegetables is a major source of cholera
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Cholera can be controlled only by the rigid purification of water supplies and proper disposal of human wastes.
Other necessary preventive measures against cholera include:
- Avoiding all uncooked vegetables
- Cultivate the habit of washing your hands before and after handling and eating foods and fruits
- Good hygiene and sanitation practices

Poor waste disposal a major health crisis in most urban and semi urban areas
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poor portable water

a girl fetching water from a pond
It is very important you combat dehydration and restore the circulation of fluid in the body first. By the use of oral hydration or the use of intravenous methods to rehydrate body fluids.
The methods used to hydrate body fluids depend on the severity of the infection.
The use of certain antibiotics prescribed by your physician will help in the control and spread of the diseases.
A times Blood transfusions are sometimes needed in seriously ill patients.
When the vomiting is less severe, give the patient warm tea and liquid food, but not solid foods for at least another twenty-four hours.