care for the eye

The Eyes: Common Symptoms, and How to Prevent and Care for Your Eyes

The Eyes: Common Symptoms, and How to Prevent and Care for Your Eyes

How to prevent eye trouble and care for your eyes might sound very familiar, but this is a very important topic that affects your very existence on earth.


You are probably reading this today because you have a good functional eye or at least you can see. Your eyes might not be perfect, but even an imperfect eye can be very useful.


Most of what we learn is brought to us in some way through our eyes. Our thinking, our emotions, the decision, and judgment we make every day are informed by what we see.


And nearly everything we do is guided by what we see. The human eye is one of the most wonderful and beautiful masterpieces of God’s creation. And a precious gift to man.


Given this, you should guide your eyes diligently as your collective existence depends on it to a larger extent.


The eye serves as a window of emotional expression. It is the first organ to show the presence of disease in some other part of the body.


Therefore you should get your eyes checked and examined as often as recommended by your health care provider.


regular eye check up will help prevent eye trouble

Regular eye check-up will help prevent eye trouble


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Some Common but Serious Eye Conditions that we need to 


This is a common disease among the elderly, but can still occur at any time in life. A cataract is a cloudy, opaque area in the lens of the eye, arising from the thickening of the protein substances within the lens itself.



It is an eye condition in which the vision tends to be blurred, in most cases because the eyeball itself is slightly out of shape. These conditions often begin early in life, can usually be corrected by the use of suitable glasses.


Color blindness

Color blindness occurs when you are unable to see colors in a normal way. Some people are unable to distinguish certain colors, such as red-green, or blue


Crossed eye

Crossed eyes, or strabismus, is a condition in which both eyes do not look at the same place at the same time. Some babies appear to be crossed-eyed almost from birth, but this is no reason for undue concern.

The baby’s face is growing rapidly and many changes are to be expected.  But if cross-eye continues beyond six months, the child should be examined by an eye specialist. Crossed eyes can usually be straightened, provided the treatment is started early enough.

Even in later life, the crossed eyes can still be straightened, giving the face a normal appearance, but by then the vision may be normal in only one eye.



Glaucoma is a serious eye condition and a leading cause of blindness among adults today. It is a progressive, often unnoticed eye condition that can lead to permanent blindness.


One out of every eight blind people are victim of glaucoma. Probably all of these people had normal sight during their earlier years but something went wrong during their forties, fifties, or sixties, causing blindness.


In some cases, by giving proper medications your doctor can bring this pressure under control.  In other cases, an operation may be required.

care for the eye

Caring for your eyes is a lifetime obligation

How to Prevent Eye Trouble and Care for the Eyes Common Symptoms and Signs of Eye Trouble That Need Urgent Attention

  • Blurred and double vision


  • When you can’t read closely or can’t see far objects.



  • Watery eyes might be due to eyestrain or constant rubbing of the eyes.


  • The use of one eye, if you are in the habit of covering one eye to see properly. The implication is that the two eyes may not be in proper focus.


  • Tilting the head may occur because you are trying to bring both eyes into focus.


  • Blinking and frowning may indicate some eye condition that should be corrected



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You can care and prevent eye trouble by reading in a well lit room

You can care and prevent eye trouble by reading in a well-lit room

Reading in a poorly lit room is bad for you

Reading in a poorly lit room is bad for the eye

How to Prevent Eye Trouble and Care for Your Eye

  • Provide proper lighting for reading. Avoid reading in a poorly lit room, the light in the room should be bright enough.


  • Always have intermittent breaks when using your computer, tablet, and mobile phone. Continuous use can curse eye strain, fatigue in the eyes, and eye dryness. From time to time you can relieve your eyes by moving your eyes away from the screen of your computer or device. And gazing into the distance to relax your eyes.


  • Sound sleep does wonders to your body particularly your eyes. Poor sleep may contribute to eye fatigue. Symptoms of eye fatigue include eye irritation, difficulty focusing, dryness or excessive tears, blurred or double vision, light sensitivity, or pain in the neck, shoulders, or back.




  • Use appropriate safety eye gear. Wearing goggles will help protect your eyes from any large or small objects that might hit you in the eye and cause damage. Especially when you are a farm or construction worker.


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Give your eyes some space when using computer, mobile phones, tv etc

Give your eyes some space when using a computer, mobile phones, tv etc

More ways you can prevent eye trouble

  • Use sunglasses: Sunglasses can protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. Investing in sunglasses that are labeled UV400 blocks 99 to 100 percent of UV light. This rating ensures that all light rays with wavelengths up to 400 nanometers are prevented from reaching our eyes.


  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Your diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially deep yellow and green leafy vegetables. Eating eggs, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut can also help your eyes.


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  • Avoid smoking. Smoking increases the risk of developing age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts and can damage the optic nerve.


  • Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly.


  • Everyone needs a regular eye exam, even young children. It helps protect your sight and lets you see your best.


  • Poor eyesight might be one of the leading causes of poor grades in children. Therefore it is very important to have your children examined before they start schooling. Early detection and prompt treatment will prevent serious eye complications in the near future.


  •  An eye examination can help spot silent diseases, such as glaucoma and cataracts that have no symptoms. It’s important to spot them early on when they’re easier to treat.


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